Monday, November 5, 2007
Blog moved
This blog has now moved to its new home-
The Goldston Academy for the Insane- most appropriate methinks!
Hope you enjoy it.
With abundant blessings.
Amanda Goldston
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Socialising and Growth Spurt
One of the comments often leveled at home-schooled families is the socialisation aspect. Actually, in my experience home-schooled children seem to have a far broader range of social skills and a greater ability to communicate with all everyone than many of their peers of the same age.
I was really delighted a few weeks ago. I took my girls to hear Brad Sugars speak. He is an Australian self-made multi-millionaire businessman and entrepreneur.
He was keen to have young people at the event, as he wants to encourage the next generation of entrepreneurs. Of approx 400 in the room, there were only a handful of teens or "almost teens".
I knew quite a few people and my girls were quite happy to chat to these people. Jacqueline marched up to Brad Sugars, introduced herself and gave him her business card.
Personal and Business Development.
A good friend of mine, Tony Burgess of, runs business and personal development training. I was invited and took my girls along.
I was delighted at how well they interacted with people of all ages.
In my opinion, by introducing children to as many different people of all ages, backgrounds and experiences, they grow in confidence much more than they seemed to do in school.
I have had so many comments of how MATURE they seem to be for their ages.
I have also noticed how much more mature emotionally they seem to be. They seem to take it far less personally when someone is nasty or rude to them on MSN or online. They now have friends all over the world.
Growth Spurt.
Has anyone else noticed a huge growth spurt in their children since they came out of school?
Since March, Stephanie has released over 2 stone (28 pounds) in weight, as she is no longer the "emotional pillow" for all her friends. Stephanie is now taller than me.
Jacqueline has shot up in height and is now only 4cm shorter than me! At 11 years old!
Yes, I have heard all the jokes from the kids about being the "short one" in the family!
This was really brought home to me when Jacqueline's friend came to play. This girl is not very tall anyway, but the difference was really marked. I was stunned!
Here are my musings for today.
With abundant blessings.
Amanda Goldston
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Back on Track
I must apologise for the lack of any posts over the last few months. It has been a strange time.
From May, when I last posted, schooling has been somewhat bitty- to say the least.
In May, we had the whole house decorated as we are planning on selling it and moving to Devon. It was complete chaos as every room was in disarray.
We went on into June and then it was "summer holidays." My girls seemed to have very little inclination to do very much "schooling" while their friends were off school.
They did a summer workshop with Stagecoach (singing, dancing and drama), which was excellent. The group put on an entire hour long production, starting from nothing, in a week.

We were so proud of them.
Over the course of the summer, we have got a first BUSINESS up and running for both girls.
Jacqueline's business is
She is selling her photographs as prints and also for printing on mugs, t-shirts, mouse mats and we will have calenders shortly.
Stephanie's is where she is offering Maths tutoring in person or by email for 11-14 year olds.
We had let things slip a bit, with starting a bit later each day, finishing a bit earlier and having longer breaks.
I came to realise that our family needs a bit of discipline for this homeshooling to work. We ahve designed a timetable with the subjects we are going to be covering.
We have got Maths, English, German, Spanish, History, Geography, Art, ICT, Business, Speech and Drama, Science and Cookery at the moment, with some flexibility.
We are currently working on a film project that we found via (Staffordshire schools). Unfortunately, as a home school we are not eligible to enter the competition, although the ICT officer is going to assess it for us.
Having got ourselves back on track, we are not much more organised.
We can continue to make this the rewarding experience we started out with.
With abundant blessings.
Amanda Goldston
Monday, May 7, 2007
Chocolate Rules OK!
This afternoon Stephanie set up a simple EXCEL (ICT) spreadsheet for chocolate analysis. She created all the sections for calories, fat, sugar, price, packaging, company etc and we got started with the experiment.
This is Science at its very best!
When we laid all the chocolate out, I realised I had actually bought rather a lot!

As the bars also came in different sizes, we had to use all of our Maths skills to work out a comparable price per 100g.
We started with White chocolate and dark chocolate. All bars had to be touched, smelt and then we did a blind taste test. When they had finished they entered all their data from their paper sheets into the Excel programme.
When we have done Milk chocolate next week, we will have a fairly definitive guide to which chocolate is best for you.
The kids decided that they did not like dark chocolate. That is a real shame because it means Greg and I have to eat it! What a hard life being a home-educator!!
Friday 4th May
Stephanie made gorgeous CHOCOLATE cookies this afternoon in Home Economics. Yes, there is a theme to this! Good job someone can cook because it is not one of my natural gifts!
Jacqueline has made good progress with her website for her business on Dreamweaver. She has done most of the content. We have got to edit the video content yet for the tutorials. Greg created a beautiful pawprint background for her, which we will be using on the pages.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
A brand new week starting 30th April
We did not do a great deal today because I had a Tarot course in the morning, Jacqueline had a dentist appointment to have a filling done and then we had an appointment with the bank to open some savings accounts.
This is part of the financial and money management curriculum.
In Languages Stephanie has been working through the Spanish CD and book we have and has been finding basic vocabulary in all 3 languages. For various reasons we have not done much language work with Jacqueline as yet. This seems to be mostly because she is finishing off English stories.
Both did some more work from the Maths workbooks. Stephanie did some more of the English exercises from the SATS book and Jacqueline continued with story writing for English.
She saw an item on the BBC Newsround site about a new planet that has been found, apparently in the Goldilocks Galaxy and scientists are asking for a name for it. She thought of Porridgeopia because Goldilocks ate the bears’ porridge.
She was absolutely delighted that her suggestion was printed on the website.
Tuesday 1st May
Today Jacqueline spent some time on the BBC Bitesize revision site for her age group for Maths. This is a really useful gauge to see what she should have covered and where the gaps are.
She also played on the Aladin Maths Quest DVD, which is really excellent for developing Maths skills.
Jacqueline also came up with some fantastic ideas for stories for English, which she can write over the next few weeks. We finally got her writing competition entries correctly formatted and sent off to “Writing Magazine”.
In the afternoon we decided to have a go at making cocoa pods and beans out of papier mache as part of our chocolate theme. This has got to be ART at its finest- pure creativity and no worry about the mess!
It probably would have helped if we had checked in the craft book to see exactly how we did this, BEFORE we started. We made the glue far too runny and ended up with some very soggy shapes.
Then Stephanie’s balloon burst! This was not good for holding soggy paper together. The sides of her cocoa pod ended up being propped up by bottles of paint, so it is going to end up rather a funny shape- when it eventually dries!!
We found the “Don’t laugh, it’s Rude” book we had started last summer, with all the funny stories we could think of. We went through them all and reminded ourselves of all those brilliantly funny memories.
We decided we would make a point of having a “Daily Laugh” and make sure we put something new in it every day.
Wednesday 2nd May
Today we all overslept, so the poor dog did not get a walk today. It was a bit of a topsy turvy day with swimming lessons ending up being at the end of the day instead of at the beginning.
We took Jacqueline to see the orthodontist today and went shopping afterwards. As it the tradition with going to Solihull to the dentist, we went into the cake shop and enjoyed a huge slice of chocolate cake each.
We put all this down to our research about chocolate. I love this chocolate project because I now have the perfect excuse to buy and eat chocolate- It is for EDUCATIONAL purposes!
More soon
With love and abundant blessings
Amanda Goldston
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Week beginning 23rd April 2007
Welcome to the start of a brand new week.
Greg did quite a lot of Maths with both girls over the weekend. Stephanie is now working on the Maths for the next year and Jacqueline is progressing along with the workbooks.
When we came to do things today, it was just a stuck day all round. Both girls got stuck on their Maths. Stephanie did a Media text piece and said she had not covered these kind of texts before.
I am seeing some surprisingly basic gaps in their English grammar. Greg had bought a Jungle Book CD game with English, Maths and Science for 8 year olds. I was amazed at the questions they were asking me about the grammar, which they do not appear to have covered at school.
We went to school for the 2nd of Jacqueline’s Speech and Drama lessons. I stayed in the reception area this time and it was incredibly awkward, both with parents and with girls. I was very glad to get away and I am very glad we only have a couple more of these.
It was a funny day, with not much getting down. I got very frustrated with myself and had a bit of a “I can’t do this home-schooling thing” rant at the kids.
Their reaction stunned me.
They went into one of the rooms, got loads of pieces of card, stuck them all together to make a sign, which said “You are doing great”.
Tuesday 24th April
This started out with another frustrated session from my part. I had wanted to start at 9am to do a proper planned timetable and by the time Jacqueline had got dressed it was nearly 9.20am.
Jacqueline did the Jungle Book DVD for Maths, English and Science (year 3, for 7/8 year olds) and again I was surprised at the simple things she was asking me.
Mrs Morrell came to do a Speech and Drama lesson for Stephanie. That went very well and Stephanie is going to do her exam in a few weeks time.
We then did a proper planed out timetable for the week, with the subjects we are going to do and when are going to do them. I felt much better after that because I feel like we have really got some much clearer direction now.
Jacqueline had a dentist appointment and we walked into town.
I registered us with the Sainsbury’s Active Kids Cooking programme -
and they registered us on their database as home educator, which I was delighted with.
The girls have been getting on much better together than they ever did when they were at school. The weather has been really glorious and they have been playing on the trampoline and also playing bat and ball and Frisbee in the garden.
George, the family rottweiler, loves these games and loves to play the part of the fielder. Only trouble is, he gets the ball or the Frisbee and then runs off with it and won’t give it back.
This usually leads to a great game of “chase” around the garden.
Wednesday 25th April
We went out for an early dog walk and then I dropped the girls off at the swimming pool, while I went and did a weekly food shop.
Stephanie found some interactive tests on the Plymouth Maths site and went through most of the Year 8 (12/13 year old) tests. She said she felt comfortable with all the work and felt confident enough to move onto the next year.
We are making food progress with Jacqueline’s Maths and are filling in the gaps as we go along.
After my self doubting rants and the girls adament insistence that they wanted to stay at home and not go back to school, I quizzed them on this.
It seems they feel they are covering about the same work, but the difference is that they do not feel rushed to complete something and then move onto the next thing, whether they have understood it or not.
We can revisit things until they are clear on them. We are also more flexible on time and they can finish things they are interested in and it does not really matter if the next lesson starts a bit later.
We started our History and Geography today. We have chosen the subject of CHOCOLATE to research. It covers a huge amount of things from the Aztecs to the Victorians, as well as climate and culture of the chocolate producing countries, business case studies, fairtrade and lots of interesting TASTING experiments for Science.
They really got stuck into this one and spend the afternoon researching. One of the best recipe sites is here from a fellow home-educator.
Thursday 26th April
Jacqueline finished writing her stories for the Writing Magazine competitions and we just need to format those before we can send them off. She wrote to the editor of the magazine and was delighted to receive a personal response from her.
Both have also been looking at submitting reports and photos to the Childrens’ BBC Newsround site.
We got a huge amount done today. We went through some Science. Stephanie went through the interactive tests on the BBC bitesize site and was delighted that she could do most of the science. With Jacqueline we were using some workbooks. We did about materials, states of matter and evaporation/filtration.
I had a tarot course this morning and while I was doing that, Stephanie had found the words for several key phrases in French, Spanish and German. It is quite interesting learning all 3 languages at the same time.
Friday 27th April
Jacqueline sorted out her photos for her business website today and put them into categories. Stephanie wrote her plan for her tutorial videos to go through with her friend. Jacqueline made some biscuits as part of her Home Economics.
Both have also written out their Ideal Day, which made very interesting reading.
For Music, we thought we would follow the CHOCOLATE theme and so the girls did the Ooommpa Loompa dance from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory DVD.
They even got me doing it!
They have joined Stagecoach for singing, dancing and drama. Tonight was the first one and the girls had a brilliant time. They have already started making some new friends, which is excellent. Stephanie is starting with Sportscoach tomorrow.
We are now 3 weeks into this and I am finally beginning to feel as though we have got some direction and a plan. I just need to apply the same discipline to my business.
More next week.
With love and abundant blessings
Amanda Goldston
Week 2 starting 16th April 2007
This was the day all the other children went back to school, so it was the day we needed to start a little more seriously than we had been.
We have been working our way through the Year 6 and Year 8 Maths from the University of Plymouth site. This is a really fantastic site for Maths resources.
Jacqueline fell asleep in her Maths class. She said the work was hard and she did not understand it.
There seem to be a lot of gaps in their understanding of basic Maths topics and basic parts of English Grammar.
For English, both girls wrote a plan on the “Pros and Cons of Home Schooling”. Stephanie went on to write a well thought out article on the subject, which she then submitted to the BBC Newsround Press Pack site.
In our Business Studies lesson, we did not market research on other products and services that are already available in our markets. There is very little on Photography for Kids and loads on Maths help products, so we looked at what could be our “difference”.
If we are aiming these products at children, then the best approach is going to be the “for kids, by kids” approach.
In PHSE, we looked for some pictures for our Dream Boards and made those. That was a fun activity, as it had lots of sticking and colouring and creativity. We have also created a Reward Star chart and some of the items on the dream board have become reward items, with a number of earned stars attached to them.
Monday was also the first of Jacqueline’s Speech and Drama Lessons back at school. It was not too awkward as I did not really see anyone. The teacher said we could not have Jacqueline’s art work from the walls until then end of term, so we will have to wait for it.
Tuesday 17th April
We are getting into the routine of an hour of Maths and an hour of English each morning now. The SATs book for English we bought for Stephanie is proving very useful, although it is highlighting all the things she should be competent with – and isn’t. Quite worrying really.
We introduced a combination of Art and English. Jacqueline suggested we design and make a monster, which we could then write about for English. We used some simple creative mind mapping with coloured pens to describe the character traits of the monsters, where it lives, what it eats, who it’s friends are and also the nicest and nastiest thing it has done.
We had great fun making the monsters, with the girls thinking up some quite innovative art techniques.
We had also fitted in swimming and a dog walk, so we all did plenty of P.E. The dog has been for more walks in the last 3 weeks than I think he has ever done.
Wednesday 18th April
We got out with the dog first thing in the morning. That seems to work best, as we have then got the rest of the day for other things. It is a bit of a struggle dragging ourselves out of bed at 7am, but it is still later than we were getting up for school.
In English today, the girls wrote a description of their monsters and Jacqueline wrote a couple of short stories bout the escapades of her monster.
Stephanie showed Jacqueline how to resize some of her pictures in photoshop, so she can put them on her website, so that is ICT.
Today was a money earning day for the girls. We worked out what I would pay them for certain jobs, such as hovering, ironing their clothes, tidying their rooms and cleaning the cars. The next thing was they decided they would clean the car and their was suddenly a long hose trailing through the house from the kitchen sink to the car outside.
We could not get the hose fitting to stay on the end of the hose, so there was water everywhere. They ended up by squeezing the end of the house to spray the water over the car. This obviously meant that everything- including themselves- got sprayed.
It was well worth £2.00 each to see the happy, smiling faces. I am in the process of showing them a basic accounts set up, so they can keep track of their money.
Thursday 19th April.
With Maths we have continued working through the workbooks and worksheets to make sure they have covered everything they need to do, so we can move on to more challenging material.
In PHSE we created an “I am “ chart with all the wonderful characteristics about ourselves and things we are good at.
We did some Languages work today for the first time. We decided to learn French, German and Spanish at the same time. My Spanish is a bit rusty, but we did very well in the end. We did basic greetings in all 3 languages.
The girls had great fun with the “cht” sound in German as in Nacht, as this is a very throaty sound and is almost like you a lion roaring. The Spanish “รง” sound, , which is a “th “ sound. That really sounds and looks like you are spitting.
Friday 20th April
We did quite a lot on Business today. The girls looked at what they had done so far and what steps need to be taken still to launch the sites. Both Jacqueline and Stephanie are making excellent progress with this.
Both have set up their accounts to keep track of their money. Stephanie is quite a whizz on Excel and I showed Jacqueline how to use Quicken.
The weeks are flying past now.
I am really enjoying having them at home.
Until next time. With love and abundant blessings
Amanda Goldston